星期二, 7月 22, 2008



Nike很多年前以一句nothing is impossible打響名堂,成為廣告口號的經典。大家想都想不到,堂堂的國際大品牌,其對手adidas竟然就將之掉轉 impossible is nothing,作為標語。省時省力之極。更誇張的是,中國的李寧牌,就直接以其中文意思「一切皆有可能」為口號。真是搞什麼啊!堪稱廣告史上最沒創意的跟風。李寧甚至連商標設計都與Nike雷同。中國人,唉...



星期一, 7月 21, 2008


Smart Tips to Lower Driving Expenses

Smart Tips to Lower Driving Expenses
by John Adams
Thursday, July 17, 2008
provided by FORBES AUTOS.com

The most important dollar figure for calculating driving expenses is $140.

That’s about how much a barrel of oil currently costs.

This historic high is almost single-handedly responsible for raising the cost of owning and maintaining your automobile. “The overall cost of ownership was likely down if you look at non-gas factors,” says Michael Calkins, manager of approved auto repair for AAA, in Heathrow, Fla. “But the cost of fuel overwhelms everything else.”

The average driver using a new car can expect to spend $8,121 this year to rack up 15,000 miles on it, or 4% more than the $7,823 it would have cost last year, according to AAA’s annual study that assesses ownership costs. That works out to 54.1 cents for every mile, an increase of 1.9 cents.

The study, called “Your Driving Costs,” calculated ownership costs for four-wheel-drive SUVs separately, and they drain significantly more funds than the average car: a projected $10,448 per year, up from $9,997 in 2007.

Smaller Size, Smaller Expense

The size of a car has a big impact on how much it costs to finance, own and maintain. And generally speaking, the smaller the car is, the less it will cost owners.

For small sedans, the average ownership cost in 2008 is expected to be $6,320 — up from $6, 217 in 2007. Medium sedans should increase to $8,273 from $7,871, according to AAA.

For large sedans, the cost is much higher: $9,769 in 2008, up from $9,380 in 2007. For minivans, costs should increase to $8,644 from $8,639, which is lower than large sedans and SUVs.

Those numbers suggest that value-oriented drivers shopping for a large vehicle that accommodates five or more occupants would be better off choosing a minivan over a large sedan or SUV when it comes to ownership costs.

Money-Saving Tips

Besides downsizing and driving less, there are other ways to curtail costs, some of which have little to do with prices at the pump.

Simply lengthening scheduled maintenance intervals can save money. Today’s vehicles can go longer between routine services, such as oil changes.

“There are better quality engines being manufactured with a more precise tolerance and improved lubricants, and the combination of these things allows you to expand certain maintenance intervals,” says Jim Cain, a spokesman for Ford in Dearborn, Mich.

General Motors now includes an “oil life monitoring system” on its vehicles; it’s currently on about 18 million of them. The system continuously monitors engine-operating conditions to determine when to change oil. Intervals usually range between 5,000 and 12,000 miles, depending on driving conditions and climate.

The traditional 3,000-mile oil-change interval espoused for decades is becoming obsolete. And at around $50 a pop, fewer oil changes each year means more money in the bank — or more money for gas.

Being smart about where your vehicle is serviced can also keep costs down.

“Independent repair shops are less expensive than dealers, so that’s something to consider,” says AAA’s Calkins. “You don’t have to have your car maintained at a dealer to maintain your warranty.”

Drivers should also be vigilant of unnecessary or premature maintenance. “You don’t have to change your wiper blades if they’re still successfully clearing the window,” Calkins says.

Online resources such as the new website RepairPal.com can help in assessing maintenance and service costs and in finding reputable shops with competitive rates.

AAA projects that maintenance costs for the three sedan classes (small, medium and large) will drop to 4.57 cents per mile this year, down from 4.9 cents per mile in 2007.

Gassing Up

Fuel expenses are up across the board, as expected. The most dramatic hikes are for less efficient larger vehicles.

Four-wheel-drive SUVs still have the highest fuel expense, costing owners a projected 17.05 cents per mile in 2008, up from 12.6 cents in 2007, according to AAA data. Minivans do slightly better on fuel: 14.01 cents per mile this year, versus 10.6 cents last year.

On average, owners of small sedans like the Volvo S40, for instance, will pay the least in fuel expenses: 9.39 cents per mile this year, up from 7.4 cents in 2007. Medium sedans will cost owners 12.34 cents per mile for fuel, up from 9.4 cents; and large sedans 13.38 cents, up from 10 cents.

AAA’s fuel costs for 2007 were based on $2.25 per gallon gas at the end of 2006, while 2008’s were based on $2.94 per gallon at the end of 2007 — a figure that already seems quaint.

“This gas-price-driven increase in expense doesn’t feel like a simple economic cycle to me,” says Charles Ballard, a professor of economics at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Mich. “Gas at $4 per gallon is a reality during the summer driving season this year, and if this maintains itself, people will get the message that we’re in a new regime.”

Protracted Fuel Frenzy

Ballard and other industry analysts believe high gas prices could be here to stay. If so, the public will likely downsize to smaller vehicles, own fewer vehicles overall and drive fewer miles, experts say.

Higher fuel costs have already made an impact on Ballard’s next car purchase. “I’m going to get a passenger car,” he says. “I would have gotten an SUV, but I’m looking at a Chevy Impala. It’s not super fuel-efficient, but it has a feature that allows you to take down the back seat and haul stuff that way.”

Visit the Family & Home Center

The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that Americans drove 3.6 percent fewer miles last year than the year before — a total of 3.003 trillion miles in 2007 compared to 3.014 trillion miles in 2006, according to preliminary measurements.

That would make 2007 one of the few years — if not the only year — in U.S. history during which total traffic volume decreased.

“It’s undeniable that consumption patterns are changing and are in transition right now,” says Doug Hecox, a spokesman for the Federal Highway Administration in Washington.

But he stopped short of directly blaming higher gas prices for the reduction in miles driven. “We can’t attribute this anomaly to one variable. It could be the weather that drove people away from driving,” Hecox says.

As fuel costs drive up ownership costs overall, non-fuel-related expenses are actually holding steady.

“In general, except for fuel and oil, automotive costs have stayed pretty competitive for an extended period of time,” says Steve Polzine, a director at the Center for Urban Transportation Research in Tampa, Fl.

The Number Crunch

Experts attribute this to increased competition among automakers, which keeps vehicle pricing and financing terms in check.

Full coverage auto insurance for sedans is projected to drop to $943 in 2008 from $985 in 2007, according to AAA. And annual depreciation expenses are expected to decline from $3,392 in 2007 to $3,321 in 2008.

“Cars are increasingly built better, so the depreciation losses are improving,” says AAA’s Calkins. “And insurance costs are down because cars are being built with improved theft protection.”

Two areas that AAA expects will experience slight increases are license, registration and taxes — rising to $554 per year from $538 in 2007— and finance charges — up to $758 per year from $733 in 2007.

“Rates are low right now, so if you can come down a point or two and have three or four years left on your loan, it might make sense to refinance,” Calkins says. “Car loans don’t have all the setup costs of a home loan, so any rate drop you can get is worth going for.”


星期日, 7月 20, 2008


台塑中油 搶探加拿大油砂

台塑中油 搶探加拿大油砂

【經濟日報╱記者陳秀蘭/台北報導】 2008.07.18 03:29 am

為掌握油源,中油、台塑企業紛紛搶進加拿大油砂。台塑企業已派先遣人員赴加拿大亞伯達省油砂礦區進行探路;中油昨(17)日也與加拿大薩奇萬 (Saskatchewan)省印第安自治區Indian Oilsands公司簽署合作備忘錄,雙方將合作探採油砂。


中油主管指出,油源日漸枯竭,油砂是新崛起的非傳統油源,歐美各主要石油公司包括殼牌、CNRL、Syncrude、Suncor都搶進加拿大亞伯達省 探採油砂,面對油價每桶飆升到136美元,最近也傳出大陸三大石油公司、日本及南韓,也搶進加國亞伯達省油砂礦區卡位。

中油主管透露,向來甚少插足石油探採的台塑企業,最近派了一組人祕密赴加拿大亞伯達省,進行該省油砂礦區的地質調查及洽尋可能合作的礦區,動作相當積 極。

中油主管說,中油早在1980年代就進行前往加拿大探油砂的可行性評估,但遲未展開,主要是油砂探採成本高昂,當年國際油價每桶僅20、30美元,開採 的投資效益不高,但現在國際油價每桶飆漲至130美元至140美元,因而讓油砂探採效益大幅提升。

中油評估,只要國際油價高達80美元,就有探採價值。中油強調,加拿大油砂蘊藏量為全球最大,估計可採量達3,150億桶以上,僅次於沙烏地阿拉伯之原 油蘊藏量。

中油昨天由副總經理孔祥雲與加拿大薩奇萬自治區Indian Oilsands公司執行長湯姆斯(Ken Thomas)簽署合作探採油砂備忘錄。中油 表示,薩奇萬自治區油砂礦區,估計蘊藏量可達100億桶,是加拿大第二大油礦蘊藏礦區,僅次於亞伯達省。



【2008/07/18 經濟日報】@ http://udn.com/

星期三, 7月 16, 2008


6 Ways to Tell if You're Financially Ready to Retire

6 Ways to Tell if You're Financially Ready to Retire
by Emily Brandon
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
provided by U.S.News & World Report

If you're suddenly obsessed with thoughts of quitting the rat race and playing golf all day, it's probably a good sign that you're mentally ready to retire. But are you financially ready? That moment may be tougher to pinpoint.

Here are some ways to tell if you are financially prepared to take the leap:

Guaranteed Income Streams

Find out when you are fully vested in your pension and 401(k) and at what age you can begin making withdrawals. In some cases, spouses can also qualify for pension distributions. "You want some kind of income that's predictable that's not subject to investment fluctuations," says Anna Rappaport, a fellow of the Society of Actuaries. "Then you can afford to take more risk with the rest of the portfolio."

Almost all workers can begin collecting Social Security at age 62, but delaying claiming up until age 70 will net you between 7 and 8 percent higher checks for each year you delay. "You want to be looking at those annual benefit statements that you get to make sure your benefits have been appropriately credited," says Brent Neiser, a certified financial planner and a director of the National Endowment for Financial Education.

Liquid Assets

Workers without a traditional pension need to have cash that can be spent immediately upon retirement. "If you have liquid assets, you may be able to retire now," says Michael Kresh, president and chief investment officer of M. D. Kresh Financial Services in Islandia, N.Y.

However, workers without readily available cash should consider delaying retirement. "If you need to sell some stocks [to produce income to live off of], you cannot retire right now," says Ray Lucia, a certified financial planner and president and founder of Raymond J. Lucia Cos. Inc. in San Diego. "You should not ever sell into a declining market."

Ideally, you should have funds to pay for about three years' worth of expenses accessible in relatively safe accounts where there is little risk of losing principal, according to Jim Barnash, a certified financial planner in Northbrook, Ill. This should allow you to ride out market volatility without having to sell investments into a down market at a loss. "Historically, we have never had a period of more than three years' worth of down markets," says Barnash. He also recommends that you keep about 25 percent of your portfolio aggressively invested to fight inflation and the rest invested according to your risk tolerance.

A Retirement Distribution Strategy

In order to retire comfortably, you'll need to amass an ample sum of money so that withdrawing 4 to 5 percent each year will be enough to cover all your bills, according to Lucia. You can also try to minimize taxes by withdrawing larger sums from tax-deferred accounts in years when you are in a lower tax bracket.

It helps if you can wait for a market upswing to start drawing down your nest egg. "If you have to tap into your retirement investments in an economic environment like we are having right now, it certainly is going to put a lot more stress on your financial resources and can significantly reduce the number of years that you will have funds available to live off of in retirement," says Barnash. "If you can, try to hold off until the markets are steady or on an upswing to be able to retire with the best possible advantages of making it through the long run."

Health Insurance

Most companies no longer offer subsidized health insurance to retirees. If you retire prior to age 65, when Medicare eligibility kicks in, you'll need to find another source of health insurance, be it through a spouse, COBRA coverage through your former employer where you pick up the full and often pricey premium, or an even more expensive policy purchased on the open market. And even once people qualify for Medicare, various studies have found, couples will need between $205,932 and $225,000 to pay for out-of-pocket expenses like premiums, deductibles, and copays.

A Backup Plan

Unforeseen circumstances often complicate retirement plans. You could be laid off, develop a health problem, or have to care for a frail relative. "Don't fall in love with a date," advises Barnash. "Don't fall in love with a certain lifestyle." Maintaining good health and insurance for disability and long-term care can help mitigate some of these risks. But as a last resort, you may have to downsize your standard of living. "I would recommend that you think about the minimum that you really need to live on and be comfortable--the cheapest house and car that you would be comfortable in," says Rappaport. "Budget for the minimum standard of income at which you would be happy."

Kresh recommends developing a "two-sided budget": On one side, you list fixed basic expenses like food and housing costs and on the other, discretionary spending like entertainment and vacations. Then you can cut back on the latter column in tighter years.

A New Job Waiting in the Wings

Working just one extra year gives your retirement savings more time to accrue, lets you delay tapping your nest egg, shortens the period your savings will need to last, and allows you to get higher Social Security checks for life. And many jobs also provide valuable health insurance.

"In general, delaying retirement is always a good thing financially, but it's not always a good thing emotionally," says Kresh, who recently had a client who grew tired of playing golf four times a week after retiring. "When you're accustomed to working all the time, you have a lot of time to fill in retirement." Kresh thinks that most baby boomers should consider not retiring until age 70 for the best results.

Of course, not all employers covet older workers, who are typically more experienced but also more expensive and prone to health problems than their younger counterparts. "It's really important to keep your skills up to date in case you need to work longer," says Rappaport.

If you can find a job you enjoy, even one extra year of work can raise your standard of living throughout your retirement. Says Neiser, "Working longer is one of the best remedies for the retirement anxiety and fear that exists today."

Copyrighted, U.S.News & World Report, L.P. All rights reserved.

星期二, 7月 08, 2008



2008/07/07 14:37






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星期一, 7月 07, 2008


亞洲企業形象 也可以很酷

亞洲企業形象 也可以很酷
2008-07-07 中國時報 【林上祚/專訪】
 在不景氣年代,惟有創新,企業才有生路。《大想法策略》作者博恩.史密特(Bernd H.Schmitt)接受本報專訪強調,亞洲文化不應



 推崇iPod 產品與行銷的創新

價格,在網路平台上販售;其他行銷創新,例如聯合利華的多芬保養系列,推出「多芬自信基金」,強調真實的美(real beauty),完全扭轉了化妝






 亞洲文化 不是阻礙創新的藉口










生產商表示,由於原材料及能源成本上升,他們的利潤有所下降。人民幣走強令洪合出口至美國等重要市場的商品價格上漲。據美國商務部(Commerce Department)統計,今年5月,中國商品的價格較上年同期上漲了4.6%,這是創紀錄的漲幅。習慣了價格低廉的中國產品、同時又擔心本國經濟疲軟的外國買家通常拒絕出更高的價錢。



這樣的變化在依靠某 廉價產品致富的新興城鎮身上最為明顯,從華南的廣東省到長江三角洲的洪合縣都是如此。行業管理者說,最近幾個月,許多這類制造中心都有數百家、甚至也許是數千家工廠關門。在位於上海附近、號稱領帶產量佔全球總產量三分之一的嵊州市,生產商們試圖聯合提價。廣東省東莞市也有許多玩具、鞋類和刷子生產商關門大吉。

Marketing Management Group Inc.駐香港的時裝行業顧問彼得﹒謝伊(Peter Shay)說:“這是情形終於發生變化的一年。在人們的記憶中,價格首次出現上漲。”

對嘉興伊尚美服飾有限公司董事長姚河榮等企業家來說,命運的轉變來得太快了。伊尚美是洪合最大的出口商之一。2005年,姚河榮找到了一家最大的客戶──沃爾瑪連鎖公司(Wal-Mart Stores Inc.),這家家族企業由此繁榮發展。姚河榮說,不久之後,美國市場就佔到了公司業務的20%。




許多中國經濟學家和官員認為,中國過度依賴節省成本和簡單生產模式來推動出口。政府智庫中國社會科學院(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)駐北京研究員余永定說,如此嚴重地依賴外貿對中國來說並不是好事。他說,美國和日本的貿易額相當於國內生產總值(GDP)的20%左右,而中國約為75%。


而對於既想出口、又想在中國國內銷售產品的公司來說,中國13億人的國內市場也極具吸引力。在上海美國商會(American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai)和博思艾倫咨詢有限公司(Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.)去年進行的一項調查中,83%的受調查公司表示計劃繼續在中國生產。但隨著上漲的成本削弱了中國作為制造地點的吸引力,約有17%的受調查公司表示至少會將一部分業務轉到印度和越南等低成本國家。











今年50歲的姚河榮說,他目前在尋求其他一些規模小、利潤也不高的出口市場 ,同時也會嘗試將銷售轉向他一直忽視的國內市場。最近,公司大倉庫的包裝工人正在將“Mr. Price”品牌針織衫裝進塑料包,等待運往南非。上面標注的零售價是:每件49.99蘭特(約合6.25美元)。

對洪合來說,今年本來會是特別興旺的一年。耗資16.8億美元、長22英里的杭州灣大橋上個月建成通車,使當地車輛去往 波集裝箱碼頭的時間縮短了一半。在距洪合市區僅幾分鐘車程的地方,沃爾瑪正在修建一個大型配送中心。而到12月,複雜的紡織品配額制度即將到期,中國對美國等國家的年度紡織品出口限制將被解除。









James T. Areddy

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